
This is a great place to learn the rules of Go. While you can search the internet for lessons (and you'll find them) we hope this curated collection of high quality resources will help you get started with one of the world's oldest board games. 

Learn with Go Magic

Go Magic is a relatively new Go study and instruction platform created by an international team to teach new players and help them advance to the level of master, or the dan level as referred to in Japanese. This begginer course is taught by Vadim Efimenko, 4 dan, one of the founders of Go Magic. He is an excellent teacher and the lessons also include practice sets to help learners understand the concepts being taught. (Highly recommended.)

How to Play Go — A Modern Tutorial to Learn Go Rules: This starter page features an 8 minute video to get you started and then a link to the full, free interactive beginner's course. It also offers the full rules in a text format. So, however you like to learn, Go Magic has your back. 

Learn with an interactive Go tutorial

"Way to Go" digital guide

There are many resources online for learning Go. Another is which features and updated version of Hiroki Mori's original "Way to Go" interactive digital Go tutorial. It will take you through through the rules and intersperse exercises to help you understand them fully. 

Learn with Awesome Baduk

Awesome Baduk is a learning platform similar to Go Magic, but created by a team of professional Korean Baduk (Go) players. This is also a great resource for learning. 

All of the lessons above are free. However, like Go Magic, Awesome Baduk also offers paid subscriptions to courses to help students progress until they have gained a fundamental mastery of the game and more. Check out all their offerings at  

Learn with Michael Redmond

5 Simple Rules

The highest-rated, American-born professional Go player shares the 5 simple rules of Go. 

If you like Michael's teaching style, we recommend visiting his beginner's playlist on his YouTube channel for more lessons. 

(~15 minutes)

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