
Think of this page as that drawer in your desk where you put everything that doesn't have its own permanent home. You'll find past editions of the club's newsletter and things about Go culture (movies, books, etc.) and even information about professional Go teachers. Who knows what else you'll find?

Yan Jin went 4-0 in the tournament to claim the title of Colorado State Champion for 2024. Read more about the tournament, view pictures and get a link to the full tournament results.

View the tournament report >

Go teachers

Some Go players desire individual instruction to strengthen their game. There are many options available. Below you will find teachers offering online lessons for a fee.

Tsurukame's Go Dojo

Ion Florescu (aka Mirel) is an experienced Go teacher holding a Go Instructor Diploma from the Nihon-Kiin or Japanese Go Association. Mirel offers Online lessons using Skype and KGS and also offers game reviews. Mirel lives in Romania (UTC +3, MT +9). Contact Mirel through his website

Club member, Tom Obenchain, is taking lessons from Mirel and highly recommends his teaching style. "Sometimes we play teaching games which we review afterwards and other times we review a game I've played on my own," reports Obenchain. "Mirel's knowledge of the game and of teaching it makes him stand out as a Go instructor. Oh, and did I mention that he is incredibly patient. That'a good thing for me. :-)"

Mirel is a 6 dan and competes in European competitions. he is currently playing on the Romanian team in the Pandanet Go European Team Championship.

Fun stuff

This is a collection of random, Go-related things for your enjoyment. Let us know if you have something to add to this section. 

A short essay on the origins of Go or Weiqi. This essay was written in its entirety by ChatGPT-4. 

The Kifu Chronicles

Welcome to the world of generative AI, where tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E tell digital tales about a robotic Go-playing boy named Kifu and his robot dog Baku. All content is generated by the AI and presented here for your enjoyment. 

Copyright 2023, Elevation Go Club, All rights reserved.